TRADITIONAL HERBALIST HEALER +27738250731 IN British Columbia Leamington Ontario Orangeville Ontario Leduc Alberta Orillia Ontario Stratford Ontario Moose Jaw Saskatchewan Cochrane Alberta Medium Lloydminster Alberta / Saskatchewan Cape Breton Sydney Okotoks Alberta Innisfil Ontario Timmins Saint-Georges Parksville British Columbia Keswick - Elmhurst Beach Fort Saskatchewan Alberta Bolton Midland
Am by names of Mama hadijah a herbalist healer using traditional local medicine form plants leaves,trees leaves and roots and grass among others that was originally created by God.Using my medicine or herbs i do treat and cure diseases like Cancer,Kidney diseases, high blood pressure and heart failure diseases among others.i also help fat people to reduce weight,infertility in both men and women among other diseases that can be easily cured by formal hospitals. My experience in this field is now 5 years while treating and healing people in different countries world wide, some come to me some for treatment and consultation,i do send my medicine to my patients who world wide after confirm what they are suffering from.So my dear if your there when your sick the doctors told you that you need a kidney,you have been in marriage for so long but no kids,men with out man power or suffering from the above diseases.LIVE A JOY FULL AND HAPPY LIFE
Call or whats-app me on +27738250731